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SimplyWell: Reset & Recenter in 15 Minutes or Less
Introduction (2:22)
Release Stagnation + Return to Flow: 7-Minute Guided Movement Practice
7-Minute Standing Movement Practice Video (7:16)
Release Stress + Recenter: 3-Part Breath
3-Part Breath Demonstration (8:17)
2-Minute 3-Part Breath Guided Recording
3-Minute 3-Part Breath Guided Recording
5-Minute 3-Part Breath Guided Recording
Release Overwhelm + Receive Peace: Sensory Meditation
10-Minute Guided Meditation Recording
Release Anxiety + Reset Within: 9-Minute Gentle Nervous System Reset
9-Minute Gentle Nervous System Reset Guided Video (9:37)
Release Tension + Reconnect with Clarity: 4-Square Breath
4-Square Breath Demonstration (1:23)
2-Minute 4-Square Breath Recording
3-Minute 4-Square Breath Recording
5-Minute 4-Square Breath Recording
Release Pressure + Receive Energetic Support: 10-Minute White Light Heart Meditation
10 Minute Guided Meditation Recording
Release Restlessness + Return to Flow: Fully Body Lymph Reset
11-Minute Demonstration of the Full Body Lymphatic Reset (11:07)
5-Minute Guided Fully Body Lymphatic Reset (5:31)
Release Unsteadiness + Return to Balance: Alternate Nostril Breath
Alternate Nostril Breathing Demonstration (7:24)
2-Minute Alternate Nostril Breath Recording (2:39)
3-Minute Alternate Nostril Breath Recording (3:48)
5-Minute Alternate Nostril Breath Recording (5:38)
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